Our Guarantee

Our Xpress Life Sales Guarantee…

WE GUARANTEE that we will contact your client to complete their application and schedule exams within 24 hours of receiving your request!
You focus on selling and let our dedicated New Business Team do everything else.
WE GUARANTEE that we will diligently follow-up with your client to complete the application and fulfill any outstanding requirements.
We manage the minutiae, so you don’t have to.
WE GUARANTEE we will provide you with status reports on all your pending cases.
We will always keep you informed.
WE GUARANTEE that we will order all Attending Physician Statements upon receiving notice that one is required from the company. We will also follow up every 5 business days until the APS is received.
WE GUARANTEE that when you call 501-224-7739 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday, you will talk to a real-live person!
WE GUARANTEE that we will use all of our resources to obtain the best possible rating on your cases. In negotiating offers with your carrier, we will be your advocate.


WE GUARANTEE we will always provide prompt, friendly, efficient and courteous service and help you succeed any way we can.